Sunday, May 27, 2007

To my grandmothers...

My pastor was preaching today about the role of women in the world. Especially the impact a mother can have. Like the mother of Moses and what she did so he would survive (Exodus 2) and Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel, and how she dedicated him to the Lord (1Samuel 1) and how Paul, writing to Timothy, mentions the faith of Timothy's mother Eunice and grandmother Lois (2 Timothy 1:5).

This made me think of my Grandma Evans and my Nana Scheiring. Both were quiet women of faith. And I have become convinced over the last couple of years that both spent significant time in prayer asking God for a grandson that would serve the Lord in full time ministry.

And I am convinced of another thing: I am the grandson.

So I look forward to being an answer to their prayers, bringing heaven to earth for neglected children by showing them they matter deeply to God. And I look forward to standing with my grandmothers in heaven when one of these lives gets there. And Jesus points to these women and says "there's the ladies that helped get you here."