Thursday, May 10, 2007

High blood pressure, diabetes and.......Compassion International?

Huh? Okay what do these have in common? What kind of crazy correlation am I up to? Read on amigos.

I've been on high blood pressure medication for nearly 2 years now ( family history ). My doctor has been trying to encourage me to lose some weight and exercise. And I've been meaning to......for 2 years. Well early this year he wanted to re-check my sugar number 'cause it was elevated ( no family history ) and told me I was headed for type 2 diabetes if I didn't make some changes. He sent me to a dietician and I went.

I must admit here that I am motivated by money. I really don't want to spend hundreds of dollars a month on medication. So I've basically cut back on carbohydrates, which for me is potatoes and sugar. And I love potatoes and sugar. I like a lot of sugar in my coffee. A friend once saw me dumping it in and asked if I wanted any coffee with that.

So I went cold turkey. And enter the lovely invention called SPLENDA. No sugar tonight in mah coffee, no sugar tonight in MAH tea. If you have to ask then you missed out on some good classic rock.

Anyway, I've lost nearly 20 pounds and the sugar number is coming down and I'm doing some exercising. Dr. T even said I have a chance of ditching the high blood pressure med. And that is my goal. In fact I can't wait to go back to the doc this fall 'cause I fully expect this to happen. And when it does I plan on adding to my growing family. Me, Chris, Sara and Andrew here in beautiful sunny Ohio. Richard, Karen and Rosita in Ecuador. And and another Compassion child with the HBP money, probably in Peru.


Dave Fletcher said...

Congrats Rick - that's an awesome story and fits right in with Mike Foster's junkycarclub concept too. I need to get my diet and execise routine together as myself (probably much moreso than you)!
Anyhow, something worth considering in "phase 2" might be cutting out the Splenda too. Supposedly it has Apartame which has been known to lead to aneurisms. I don't know how significant the risk is but thought it was worth mentioning.

Congrats again!

Rick said...

Thanks Dave. I'll work on the Splenda next but one addiction at a time. I need my JAVA!

Dave Fletcher said...

Alright man - but if your brain explodes, I'm gonna say "I told you!" Just kidding! Actually, after this discussion I went home and took a look at the Spenda package in our cupboard (oops - BUSTED) and I was unable to find 'aspartame' on the ingredient list. So maybe I goofed (it did happen ONE other time, when I was a kid) - Ha! Kidding again, of course...