Monday, March 30, 2009

A Lamb for THE Lamb?

Jesus the Nazarene, light of the world, holy Lord, mighty to save, the Lion of Judah, the perfect Lamb of God and sacrifice for sin, once and for all, King of kings, Lord of lords. Your parents were so poor they couldn't afford to give the standard burnt offering for a first-born son: a young lamb.

They had to give the smaller offering of two turtledoves or pigeons (Luke 2:24; Leviticus 12:8).

The parents of the Lamb of God couldn't afford a lamb.

There's something upside down about that.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Reading in Numbers chapters 13 and 14 this morning. It's the part of the story where the people of Israel are on the edge of the promised land. They are on the verge of entering it. Moses sends out spies to case the place and see if the land is fertile, whether the towns are fortified, what the crops are like and how populated the place is.

The spies report about the land indeed flowing with milk and honey. But they say the walled cities are impenetrable and the people are giants ( two of the spies say they should go and take the land - but that's a different story).

The people become so fearful they cry all night. They consider deposing Moses and appointing a new leader. They want to go back to Egypt; back to slavery. Incredible! The promised land, their freedom, is right in front of their face. How stupid! What cowards! And how just like me and you.

Think about it. What sins and addictions and selfishness and stuff do you need freedom from? Our God wants to free us from those things. That's Jesus Christ's self proclaimed mission: to set captives free. And we follow that path for awhile. We confess and are forgiven and come to the edge of really getting free. But we turn back. To brokenness. To Egypt. To slavery.

So God gets ticked off at them. And they get to spend the next 39 years wandering the desert. And no one alive at that time (except the two spies that wanted to go take the land right away) get to see the promised land.

You and I are Israel.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Campaigna Medica

Today the nursing team I am with here in Peru went to the town of Chilca for a free medical clinic. We worked under 2 medical doctors, a pediatrician, social worker, psychologist, lawyer (giving free legal advice), gynecologist and a dentist. Over 250 people were served with needed medicines, clothing and good old fashioned attention. I had the honor of giving a video interview with the local police and mayor about why we were there. It was cool to tell them we come down to Peru to be a blessing and end up getting more than we give. And that it's all because of Jesus Christ.

Later in the day the ChildReach staff in Peru talked to the lawyer, who is also the area director for the Canete region of Peru. He asked us to consider coming to Canete to do a medical clinic in the near future. He said the need is great. Over 15,000 people are in need of medical help in the area as well as the suffering that continues following the 2007 earthquake. So without making any promises we said we would consider brining our January nursing team there for a clinic. He said that would be nice but wondered if we could consider coming sooner. He reinforced how great the need is.

Any nurses or doctors out there that want to us their skills and blessings to help the people of Canete?

Monday, March 9, 2009

airport run

Made another airport run last night (today technically) to pick up Nikki. She got there on time. No luggage. So another 2:00am bed time but all is well. Medical clinic #1 today at Hogar de Ninos Orphanage. It will be a chaotic, beautiful day.

Oh and saw some friends at the airport last night. I met Jack and Patricia on the last trip down to Peru and there they were. I couldn't believe it. I've really been thinking about whether I should stay in contact with them and I guess when God puts someone in your face like that you get your answer. So there we are talking and catching up and they introduce me to their friend, who grew up in Stark County! It truly is a small world. And God is way bigger than I ever imagined.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hi Ho The Dairyooooooo

The farmer in the dell. Okay I have no idea what a dell is. I know, I know - a computer you idiot. Somehow I don't think that's what the old fairytale nwriter meant.

Actually the farmer is leaving the dell. This trip to Peru I have the honor of meeting a dairy farmer who raised an architect who is now a missionary building an orphange. Dad the farmer will see the architect son's work in real life for the first time this coming Sunday. I can't wait.

This group is also 13 Malone University nursing students, 2 Compassion International sponsors, a pastor, an RN, a living machine engineer, and me. We will set up some free medical clinics, tour a hospital, do some construction work and learn what God is up to. And I think it's something big. I can't wait to see what He does in these lives.