Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Your comments please

Read this in a book by J.R. Briggs titled When God Says Jump: Biblical Stories That Inspire You To Risk Big and I would love all of you who read this blog ( okay both of you ) to comment on it.

"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us." -- Joseph Campbell

What does this mean for you?


Dave Fletcher said...

I've been avoiding this for a couple of days because it's really deep and I knew would require lots of thought and introspection. Or maybe the truth is that I was afraid to think about it. I agree with the quote, and it's something I strive for, and sometimes I think I'm doing a good job of it - then I fall and cling to MY plan - then I realize I'm trying to control what I cannot and so I give it back to God. To be honest - sometimes I "give it to God" in hopes that if I do that I'll still get MY result as a reward - then when I don't, I'm back on my plan. It's a constant struggle honestly, and I'm much better about it than I used to be, but I've still got lots of growing to do before I can honestly say I'm walking in the spirt close to all of the time. I still walk in the flesh way too often. But I grow each time I wrestle with it. I know that the truly blessed life exists when we genuinely surrender absolutely everything to God 100% -PERMANANTLY - so thanks for the reminder!

PS - I will say that in those times when I can truly give it away and defer to God's plan (knowing that His will will be done with or without me on board, and that my intrvention probably only slows the process and I just need to get out of the way) - when I'm able to realize that and give it over - wow does a lot of the day to day stress go away with it!

(sorry for any typos and run ons - no time to proofread...)

Rick said...

I am the same way. Recently my wife and I have been re-aligning our finances for missionary work. And then I drive by a house for sale and think "man I would like that". And I forget all about the other thing. I think it's a daily battle for me to stay on the straight and narrow.


Anonymous said...

Between the fact that you are my most faithful commenter and the book in question bears my name, I am compelled to comment.

It's a glorious thing when our hopes and dreams become synonymous with God's desires for us - that journey is lifelong and incredibly challenging and exciting. Those who out of fear, indifference, or ignorance settle for manufacturing their own destiny don't know what they're missin'.