Sunday, April 22, 2007

Scandalous Grace

You probably know the story of David and Bathsheba. How David saw her taking a bath one night (funny - BATHsheba - what's in a name?) and decided he wanted her. And how she gets pregnant and then David sends her husband, Uriah, to the front lines of battle so he gets killed. Well have you ever heard of David's "Mighty Men"? They are the most important 37 men in his life. They are all listed by name and they serve in his administration and military. Now check out the last name on the list in IISamuel 23. It's Uriah! I've read this many times before but never noticed it. David murders one of his top 37 guys and quite possibly a friend to cover up his adultery.

That sure is a lot of wrongdoing from one bad decision. So how can it be that the Bible calls David a man "after God's own heart"? Well maybe that's just one example of how wide and deep God's capacity to forgive is (Read Psalm 51 - written by David after he was confronted by a friend with what he did). If you or I think anything we've done wrong is just too big for God all we have to do is read His word. After all, with his dying breath Jesus offered salvation to a thief who had zero opportunity for spiritual growth. And to a lot of people in the church that's down right scandalous.