Saturday, April 7, 2007

Resurrected Life

Check out this quote from author Bruce Main. It's from his book titled "Spotting The Sacred" : "The liberating power of the resurrected Jesus was not simply for the purpose of providing a way for humans to spend eternity with God. The liberating, redeeming power of the resurrected life is so that our often small, careful, cautious, boundary-abiding, barrier-honoring, crusty fear-filled hearts can be freed to love with excess, lavishness and vulnerability."

Now to me that really is good news. Jesus paid the high price he did not only so we can spend eternity with him, but also to be who he made us to be. Are you a singer? Then sing! Are you an artist? Then create! Are you a leader? Then lead! Are you a musician? Then make music! Are you a mother? Then be the best one you can! The Christian life is meant to be an adventure - not sin management till we die. So here's my educated well thought response to that: WOO HOO!