Monday, July 21, 2008

The UNsponsored

Dear readers and especially friends of RiverTree Christian Church,

I spent the day at Compassion project EC124 in the south of Quito, Ecuador. My team experienced a lot today about which we have written and will continue to write about at

I left the project with a very unusual request from the project director and the Compassion staff. I have a list of 23 children from this project still needing sponsors. Not all that unusual in that there are about 49,200 children in the country in the program, 10,000 of which are unsponsored. This request is a bit unusual as Compassion does not usually work like this. But on this list there are children that have been waiting for 3, 6, even 8 years for sponsors! The pastor and director are simply desperate for the wait to end for these children. God is too.

Is he waiting for you/me to take one of these kids? Can we, as a church, step up and solve this? Will 23 of you be willing to be the answer to this prayer?