Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Pastor Dave Made Me Buy Tampons

RiverTree Church Hartville has been collecting food for The Fish food pantry in Hartville. When the shelves were stocked there was one shelf that was empty: feminine hygiene products. So Pastor Dave told all the guys they had to go out this week and put aside their manhood for a moment and buy some. Want to join this group? Here are the steps:

1) Read Mark 5: 25-34. No really - don't read #2 yet. Go and read this passage in Mark.

2) Notice what Jesus does. He heals a woman who hasn't been touched for 12 years and hasn't been to church for six hundred twenty four (624) Sunday's (a woman who was bleeding in Jesus' day was unclean and not allowed in the temple). Jesus touches a nobody and shows her she is somebody.

3)Go buy a box of feminine hygiene products and take it to The Fish food panty or RiverTree Christian Church Hartville.