Tuesday, April 1, 2008

grief and belief

While traveling home from vacation Sunday I got a call that my grandfather had passed away the day before.

I didn't think I'd be able to make it through speaking at his funeral tomorrow so here is a little memoir that I wrote.

An open letter to my grandfather by Rick Royer:

The community you lived in was better because of your leadership. For that I thank you. But even more, I’m thankful for you passing on family values to your son, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Thank you also for the example of a great marriage. Sixty-six years ago said “till death do us part” and you meant it.

I will always remember and cherish those summer trips we took. Canada, Gettysburg, Kings Island, New York City where we stood on top of the world trade center towers. A little bit of business with a lot of fun mixed in.

I’m proud of you and Grandma for sponsoring a little boy from Peru named Jordy through Compassion International. Thanks for giving him the opportunity to eat everyday and hear about Jesus. I plan to meet Jordy on a not too distant trip down there and will tell him all about you.

Late Sunday night, as I arrived home from vacation, I realized you left me one final gift. There on the kitchen counter was an envelope. You had addressed and mailed it just before your surgery day. I ran my fingers across those letters, and I could almost feel your pen writing. Inside was my birthday card and a present in the form of a check, again with your handwriting.

I’m not cashing the check!

So what will I miss about you most grandpa? One thing for sure is the carryout dinners from Jimmy Johns with a little bit of ice cream and a lot of reminiscing afterwards. Mostly I think I’ll miss your phone calls at work. Just a quick call to see if everyone is well, to ask about an upcoming mission trip, about how the kids are doing, or to see if we can get together.

We can definitely get together. Because we believe in the same Jesus who died to set us free.

One of my favorite parts of the Bible is in Revelation 21 where the new heaven and new earth are being described. And then verse 4 says “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death and mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”


Bruce said...

Sorry to hear about your grandfather. You and your family are in my prayers.