Saturday, December 29, 2007

Red Letters

I just finished reading Red Letters by Tom Davis. I highly recommend it. The focus is on the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It sheds light on the staggering statistics and exponential growth of this disease but also puts it into a captivating story. There is information on how it spreads, available treatments, and what you and I (the church) can do about it.

It describes the current social fabric of Africa and paints a disturbing picture of what is to come if you and I do nothing about "that crisis over there." In the introduction Davis notes that we are just a short plane ride away from a world where 8 year old girls prostitute themselves for food. I'm ready to get on that plane and put a stop to that.

It made me even more proud of my church (RiverTree Christian). Our Christmas offering is going to partner with Compassion International to build cottages in Tanzania for orphans effected by HIV/AIDS. We gave $77,000.00.

This book reminded me that you and I (the church) are God with skin on to "the least of these". It made me even more excited for my plane ride to Peru on Monday. I get to go hug some orphans.

In the New Testament in my Bible the words of Christ are in red letters. That's where I want to learn to live.

You won't get through this book with dry eyes.