Sunday, March 2, 2008

Friday I had an interesting conversation in the Houston airport. We were at our gate waiting to depart from Peru. So I sat down next to a guy and his wife. He is from Peru, which is no surprise as the plane we were both about to board was bound for there. But as our conversation continued it got pretty interesting. Turns out he (Batista) was raised in Pucusanah. It's a fishing village very close to where Hannnah's Home and Hope is being built in Chilca. We talked about what my group of nursing students was going to do in Peru and we were both pretty amazed that he used to live very close to our propety in Chilca.

But it gets better.

Batista talked about knowing Chilca and said his mother lives in a neighborhood in Chilca called Papa Leon. That's where our property is.

But it gets better.

His mother lives on the exact same street as our property. He said his mother had told him about the orphanage that ChildReach is building. He is going to visit us this Wednesday.

Saturday's clinic went well for the group. We were able to plug right into a clinic the government (Ministeria de Salud) was doing and the nurses did everything from blood pressure reading to injections.

Today we went to church and experienced a 2 hour service. In the small towns of Peru you are unable to leave without greeting every single person. Today's service was no different. Everyone hugged everyone. After our sermon each children's Sunday school class went up front and told the church what they learned. When the oldest ones were done we thought the service was over.


The adults ( all of us ) had to go up front and be quizzed by Pastor Jorge about what we learned while the kids watched. It wasn't too bad actually.

Tomorrow is another clinic in the village of Lomas Marchan.


Bruce said...

Thanks for the blog. It makes me feel I am actually there with you.
Take care and God bless,