Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So I'm getting in my truck after going to the store and I see a guy approaching his car a few rows away from me. And he is parked in a handicapped spot............and he doesn't have a permit thing hanging from his rearview mirror............and he's not limping and he has all his I think nothing more of it and drive away, right?


My mind gets judgemental in a hurry so I sit and watch him. And he gets to his car and opens the door and..............pulls out a receipt or something from his pocket and starts reading it! Now if you were parked illegally like this wouldn't you at least be in a hurry to leave? Not this guy. He lingers. And with his car door open as if to draw attention to himself. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable for him. So of course I have to watch and see what happens next.

He finally gets in and drives away. I watch a little longer and get ready to drive away myself and I see him heading towards the store. And he gets out and helps an elderly lady in a walker into the passenger side of his vehicle.

And God molds me as I realize that I, as the church, should be the first one to offer grace. And too many times like this I offer the opposite.
