Saturday, July 28, 2007

When I Give; I Get

Went to help build a wheelchair ramp today. My wife Chris and I helped along with Ryan, Dave, John, Andy and Rich from RiverTree Christian Church. This group built a ramp two weeks ago on the small main house and today we put one on the trailer.

The homeowner made us an awesome lunch. Cold cuts, hot ham and cheese, chips, watermelon, pickles, vegetables. I feel bad accepting something from someone with nothing, or very little. But I am learning that they have pride and self-worth in giving too. She encouraged us to eat more, and her smile beamed from ear to ear when we did. I am sure she gave more than any of us did today. Seems like when I serve someone I leave with more than I brought. People with less seem to do that to me. Seems counter-intuitive. Happens all the time though.

We also put a door on her daughter's bedroom. She went on and on about how her daughter will appreciate this. You would have thought we built a whole new room or something. Reminds me how I take things for granted. It was hot inside the house and John commented how it made him appreciate air conditioning in his house.

This house was in sorta bad shape but I could not stop thinking about my friends in Ecuador. They would think they were rich if they owned this house.

They are.