Wednesday, July 18, 2007

ANOTHER Chance meeting and more from Ecuador

The team here with me in Eduador went to the roof of our building this morning to pray for God's favor with the judge and whole system in Peru for Hannah's Home. It was an incredible spot. We could see no less than 3 snow capped volcanoes. B-E-A-U-tiful!

I met some kids at For His Children orphanage today. Patricia is 4 and has problems with her legs. She will need operations to walk. Edison has downs syndrome and a heart problem but will be getting an operation soon to hopefully fix that. Jessica wanted to be pushed on the swing some, some more, and more after that. It was hard to leave there.

Spent the evening working at a soup kitchen called Pan de Vida ( Bread of Life - ). I was humbled by the many people from all over serving there tonight. Met a lady from England who is here for the summer. Met Nicole from Russia. She has lived here 6 years. Four different countries ( Ecuador, United States, Russia and England ) all serving together in one little soup kitchen in Quito, Ecuador. Each time I come here I experience a piece of heaven.

Oh and I met Kelly Mitchell there too. She is working there for the summer. Kelly is a student from Anderson University. She knows several of my daughters friends and members of my church. And not only do I meet her but it's on a mission trip to a country over 3,000 miles away and we just happen to be on the same continent, in the same country, and the same city, on the same street, serving in the same little ministry that could not be found unless you were specifically looking for it. Coincidence?