Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Civil Disobedience

Hebrew midwives Shiphrah and Puah did it. You can read their story in the book of Exodus. Pharaoh ordered them to kill all the males born to Hebrew women to control the Israelite population growth. Perhaps the intent was to wipe out the Hebrews? But these women lied to Pharaoh when asked why they let the boys live. And God blessed them with families of their own.

Next comes the mother and sister of Moses. Since Pharaoh's first try at genocide fails he then orders all Hebrew baby boys thrown into the Nile river. Instead, Moses' mom hides him for three months. When she can no loger keep him quiet she puts him in a basket and puts it on the bank of the river and posts her daughter at a distance to observe what happens. Apparently Moses' sister is brave enough (no mention of her age here) to approach as Pharaoh's daughter finds the basket. She is close enough to offer to find someone to nurse this new found baby as Pharaoh's daughter is discovering the contents of the basket.

And in the ultimate twist of fate Moses' mother not only gets to nurse her son, she gets paid to do it!

After this time of nursing is over she takes Moses back to Pharaoh's daughter. Talk about obedience! How difficult was this?

So where was Moses' father in all this? Tradition says Moses wrote this book of the bible and I would think he would include his father...........if he was around. The women seem to be doing all the disobeying here. Way to go girls!